My Story
My name is Chongyang Wang, usually folks call me Gary! I'm a HCI Researcher (Novel Interfaces, cognition technologies, interaction/collaboration...for more details, check the "Interest" Section down below), Instructional Designer, and a Game Developer and Designer.
Prior to my research journey, I dreamt of emulating wizards in the entertainment world, like Miyamoto. I just LOVE every keystroke playing with game engines or other tools while trying to iterate fun ideas to reality since high school. Later, during my Columbia experiences, with the opportunities working along with prof.Joey Lee and Steven Feiner, there I found my TRUE INTEREST. Ford said, if you ask people (before automobile was invented) what they want, they always reply a faster horse wagon. Similarly, a younger me might have just wished for a cooler video game. However, in fact, what I really want may actually beyond a game bringing people just laughter, but a creative, interactive, thoughtful, or problem-solving experience, in short, some novel and fun Human-Computer Interaction experiences or interfaces typically for promoting our life.
Gladly, my game dev skills and tools mastery have served as a sturdy bridge during this transition. Yet, like someone said, "We will never be ready." The art of engineering and the quest for research are not usually the same path, but this may just be the allure of pursuing research that intrigues me always - we will never know what's the future looks like till we invent it. This spirit of exploration was further ignited during my Future Manufacturing research experience in the CGUI Lab (funded by NSF, produced publications such as one already accepted by ACM SUI). What I also learned is, having creativity, critical mind, and eyes of discovery alone are not sufficient for succeeding in research, but relentless perseverance matters too (actually, let's not use the word "Success", it's for engineers and business people, doing research is about discovery, and discovering something new can't really be judged as a success or failure whatsoever, especially considered within the current timespace. After all, the joy is in the discovery, in the journey, not just the destination).
M.A. in Instructional Technology, with program track - Design and Development of Digital Games, Columbia University
Cert. in Game Design, University of Wisconsin - Madison
B.S. in Computer Science, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Active Roles
Research Assistant at Columbia CGUI Lab (Computer Graphics and User Interface), Supervisor: Steven K. Feiner
Instructional Designer at Unity Technologies.
My Interests/goals
My Current goal
How to utilize immersive/cognitive technologies such as AR/VR, gaze, and cueing techniques to build noval interfaces that facilitate Visualization, Interaction, and Human-Robot/Human-Human Collaboration.
My Long-term vision
Research and design Human-Computer/Machine/Robot (whatever you name it) Interaction techniques aligning with computer science and human cognition that create new possibilities for high-fidelity and efficient collaborative systems, transformative learning, or next-generation entertainment. To promote our life quality, work/learning efficiency, and social good in general.
My General interest / values / point of views
- Making technologies as much as accessible to everyone, enhancing human intuitiveness to ensure even those with minimal professional experience can easily navigate, use, and enjoy with motivation.
- Creating game-liked experiences to solve problems, contribute social good, or simply entertain.
In a short future
Considering all my experiences, interests, and goals, I made up my mind to pursue a Ph.D. in CS/HCI/HCC field, where I will continue my journey of research.
skill set
An Interdisciplinary Skill set and tool mastery:
Discover My Work from ? Aspects
I've arranged things this way to show the evolution my work and interests/focus.
The sequence (left > right; top > bottom, not strickly though) represents the proximity of each item to my current focus and interests. Dive into my:
PUBLICATION: recognized or published papers and products
PROJECT: formal, systematic series of tasks with professional guidance
THOUGHT: thoughts/prototypes with the potential (don't have time or not polished yet) to evolve into projects, or simply fun ideas
AWARD: some recognitions.

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accepted publication by ACM SUI 2023

PROJECT-for publication


NSF-funded project; future manufacturing human-robot remote collaboration; multi-task management; 3D GUI; VR/AR; pre-cueing

PROJECT-for publication


NSF-funded project; future manufacturing human-human remote collaboration; eyetracking; cognition visualization; hand-gaze coordination; 3D GUI; VR/AR;


Research Assisntant

at CGUI Lab, 05/2022 - Now

PROJECT-for publication

Unity Dev "Cheat Mode"

an Unity officially verified case-based tutorial for GPT facilitated Unity game full-stack production for the Unity Learn platform CN


Instructional Designer

at Unity Technologies., 05/2023 - Now


Physics Wonderland

a VR physics learning sandbox edu game, inviting learners to build, test, and play with their hand-crafted machinary with immersion


"Walk" into Metaverse

prototyping alternative ideas for novel VR locomotion systems, 11/2022


Mesh Math

visualize complex 2-variable functions, procedural function 3D graph generation in AR


FPS Aim strategy analysis

comprehend player behavior and FPS game crosshair pre-placement strategies using gaze analysis


"Time Traveler" Museum

an immersive VR museum experience enabling users to travel back to the time when the displayed artifact was born and developed


Fallacy Finder

an AI-powered web plugin-liked tool promoting the public's awareness of media's frequently-used, contentious propagation strategies


Conquer Physical Impairment

designing prototypes for AR/Neural Interfaces for harsh environment (like deep watch or space) task assistance and collaboration


Grad Student Researcher

at Columbia, 04/2022 - 05/2022


Transformative Game for Misconception

a VR role-play game design project that aims to combat public misconceptions on climate change


Workshop: GPT Multiplayer Dev

holding a workshop teaching online game basics and discussing the potential of GPT and prompts in multiplayer game development



a serious board game that encourages international collaboration on solving global issues like climate change


Gamified Web Profile

my legacy homepage, a gamified personal profile exploration experience


Workshop: Learn Unity in Unity

holding a workshop teaching game development and Unity Engine basics, research novel learning material substitutes for powerpoint


Lab Assisntant

at TC Game Research Lab, 09/2021 - 05/2023


Topdown Pixel BR Game

a topdown pixel multiplayer battle-royale game, leading a community to iteratively build a commercial game


HDRP Tank Simulator

a demo for practicing Unity High-Definition Render Pipeline, post-processing, etc.


"One Man Army"

a topdown multiplayer combat game crafted with Unity URP, Blender, Garageband, self full-stack development


Founder, Director

at Spectrum Forge GameDev Community, 10/2019 - Now


"Mission Complete"

a first-person sandbox story-driven serious game


Game Haus

an alternative product for discord, a client-centered communication tool for esport fans


Tespa ESport League

Top 50 Overwatch competitor Team, 2019


Overwatch Team 1, Main DPS

at Madison ESport Club, 09/2019 - 01/2020


Overwatch Top 200

NA server, 2019


StarCraft2 Grandmaster Top 30

CN server, 2017


National Physics Olympiad

3rd Prize, 2015


Go Chess 3 Dan