Instructional Designer @ Unity Technologies. Ongoing
Design online courses (for sale) for Unity Learn, CN platform, 05/2023 - Now
Associated with: Unity Technologies.
A coincidence
I could never imagine I would become a verified course designer and sign contract with Unity before, though I love everything about games🎮.

Well, this all started from a coincidence, I was attending IEEE VR 2023, Shanghai, as a guest👔.
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A Cool Guy with His Friends

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A Cool Guy Raised Questions on Future Brain-Computer Interface in XR

After some cool events and intriguing cutting-edge research sections, during the mid-break, I was roaming around and saw a sponsor section where I located Unity.
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The Banner of Sponsors

After a brief and fun discussion, I showed my strong passion and interests with Unity folks, introduced my previous experiences (such as research in CGUI Lab) and an upcoming workshop I did for the TC Game Research Lab, which is about using ChatGPT to quickly build a multiplayer experience. They were impressed, since Unity planned to just release its Unity-AI services (kinda like a Unity version GPT replacement), they were looking for people designing courses about writing prompts. And we know, learning is both contextual and cultural, during that time, a fluent Chinese language speaker who had related professions is in urgent need for Unity Learn, CN Platform, which gave me an opportunity to submit my resume. After then, they decided to give me a short interview and said they would drop in my workshop online as well!

Guess what, they send me the contract just after a few weeks! (besides the story above, I believe my Chinese and Columbia identity also help quite a lot!)

Major Duties
   - Design online coursewares for the Unity Learn, CN Platform

   - Publish and manage content for internal Unity events (such as a game jam etc.)

   - Conducting market research on recent trends

   - Publicize, promote, and price the coursewares for publishing

Note: since in the early discussion, I expressed my vision for pursuing research and a Ph.D., Unity folks are super generous to offer me a part-time opportunity so that I can have a flexible schedule and still stick myself mainly with research.

Associated Skills
Unity development, instructional design, learning science, prompt engineering, AIGC, game design and development, software engineering, project management.

Some Highlights of What I have learned so far
   - Education is about how to conquer one after another challenge standing between learners' prior knowledge and learning target.

   - Good instructional design should always have a clear vision and strong care of its target audience.

   - Learning is contextural, cultural, and dynamic.

   - Mastering Computer Science (game development, programming, software...), researching CS, and teaching CS are 3 interconnected and not same perspectives.

   - Learning and self-eduction is a life-long event.

   - Opportunities are there for who's prepared.
