Research Assistant @ CGUI Lab Ongoing
Research, Design, Develop, Create, Innovate. 05/2022 - Now
Associated with: Columbia CGUI Lab
How I Join the CGUI Lab?
If you read my story📕about the evolution of my interests/goals, you know I used to be more a game guy rather than a HCI researcher. As a game guy, besides play games, I design games, develop games, research games, teach everyone else how to "xxx" games like myself do. During my early Columbia experience, My shift towards HCI wasn't a calculated move but rather an ironic twist. After wrapping up a VR sandbox game project at the TC Game Research Lab, I found myself drawn to the world of educational games. Eager to explore more in the realm of VR serious games, I reached out to my program coordinator Joey Lee and began scouting for like-minded cool people within the Columbia domain. Guess what, I found Steve! A quick glance at his ancient website (which, by the way, must be full of spider webs for ages 🕸🕸🕸😂) revealed his interest in both "Computer Games" and "VR/AR". Without hesitation, I sent my first email to him.

However, after a chat with his Ph.D. student, Jen-Shuo, I realized that diving deep into GUI research in VR/AR might not align with my initial expectations. But the prospect was enticing, especially since it offered another opportunity to play with Unity, a skill they were keenly looking for.

That was the turning point. First time I realize my game dev skillset can be not only for making cool🧊 games but also for building even COOLER🧊🧊🧊 research systems. Since then, joining CGUI has been the key that continually clears the "Fog of War"🌫 beyond my vision, where I realize all my passion in game may just be a small part on the world map 🗺 of Human-Computer Interaction. My game-related skills haven't been deserted or turned into burdens; instead, they've transformed into an invaluable legacy💎.

Major Duties
   - Assist in regular research tasks (review literature, supervise user study, data collection, etc.)

   - Develop and design research systems for iterative implementations

   - Attend weekly meeting for discussion and reporting research progress

   - Communicate and collaborate with folks, mostly Ph.D Jen-Shuo and prof. Steven


Associated Skills
Doing research, HCI, XR development, software design and development, data collection, computer networking, C#, UI/UX design, Gaze-tracking technologies, communication and collaboration, project management, animation and modeling.

Some Highlights of What I have learned so far
   - Some insights about what future human - computer/robot/machine interation could possibly look like.

   - Growing a sense of what's going on in the cutting-edge HCI research field.

   - Making UIs with "Over-fancy" looking may not work, a highly efficient and clear UI always involves tons of research work.

   - The procedures of turning an interesting research idea to a real one.

   - A robust research-related skillset and experience.

   - Inspirations about my future career development.

   - Doing research is more about discovery but not running on a given path.

   - Creativity and eyes of discovery are important, but so is perseverance.
