Mesh Math
An AR app assisting visualizing complex 2-variable mathematical function graph
2022, Grad Student Researcher, Team with: Titus Chen
Since the day I first learned calculus 2 during undergrad, the function graph of "Z = y^2 - x^2" has always confused me, no matter how hard the instructor is trying to draw it on the blackboard while describing its shape as a "Chip".
With the agenda to make math and physics eaiser for everyone, I got chance to expand this idea in a course project with Titus who is a learning specialist. With collaboration, we started to research about aspects of the problems that confused learners for a long time.
We listed out a few perspectives such as:
(very similar to the VR physics sandbox project)
- Lack of basic geometry skills or sense of spatial imagination.
- Feel difficult to bridge between text/equations/graphs/numbers with the graphing procedure.
- Not be able to visualize, annotate, and check annotations effectively on the graph
- Hard to visualize the dynamic graph change after tweaking some parameters or variables
- Not be able to build connections with simular objects reality
- Due to the reasons above, for a long while, get very little positive feedback during learning, and finally lose confidence.
Inspiration / Ideation
The solution implementation was first inspired by the Procedural Terrain Generation in Game Development. With a quick research, we initially come up with an idea of a simple mobile app with 3D graphing, denotation tool, and transform rotation features. However, after a more careful research, we found an AR solution out-perform the initial design by:
- Interactiveness
- Inituitive alignment with the graphs/equations on a paper/text-based media
- Conveniences for annotations and visualization manipulation
Prototype Implementation
We decide to design and develop a prototype include the following features:
- User input conversion (string to math function)
- Procedural math graph generation
- AR graph projection with a movable anchor
- Graph rotation and scaling
- Basic UIs and aesthetics to the future, check the Future Work section below
Future Work
Implement the unfinished features.
Team Roles (Not Ranked by Contribution, everyone works the best for the team)
- Chongyang(Me): Developer, Designer, and Researcher
- Titus: Designer, Researcher, Learning Specialist
My Major Contributions
- Raised the very first, original project idea.
- Code and build everything in Unity.
- Contributed creative design ideas.
- Researched on related theories and existing products.
- Coordinated collaboration and communication.