Mesh Math
An AR app assisting visualizing complex 2-variable mathematical function graph
2022, Grad Student Researcher, Team with: Titus Chen
Since the day I first learned calculus 2 during undergrad, the function graph of "Z = y^2 - x^2" has always confused me, no matter how hard the instructor is trying to draw it on the blackboard while describing its shape as a "Chip".
With the agenda to make math and physics eaiser for everyone, I got chance to expand this idea in a course project with Titus who is a learning specialist. With collaboration, we started to research about aspects of the problems that confused learners for a long time.

We listed out a few perspectives such as: (very similar to the VR physics sandbox project)
   - Lack of basic geometry skills or sense of spatial imagination.
   - Feel difficult to bridge between text/equations/graphs/numbers with the graphing procedure.
   - Not be able to visualize, annotate, and check annotations effectively on the graph
   - Hard to visualize the dynamic graph change after tweaking some parameters or variables
   - Not be able to build connections with simular objects reality
   - Due to the reasons above, for a long while, get very little positive feedback during learning, and finally lose confidence.

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Poster Cover

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Project Overview

Inspiration / Ideation
The solution implementation was first inspired by the Procedural Terrain Generation in Game Development. With a quick research, we initially come up with an idea of a simple mobile app with 3D graphing, denotation tool, and transform rotation features. However, after a more careful research, we found an AR solution out-perform the initial design by:
   - Interactiveness
   - Inituitive alignment with the graphs/equations on a paper/text-based media
   - Conveniences for annotations and visualization manipulation

Prototype Implementation
We decide to design and develop a prototype include the following features:
   - User input conversion (string to math function)
   - Procedural math graph generation
   - AR graph projection with a movable anchor
   - Graph rotation and scaling
   - Basic UIs and aesthetics to the future, check the Future Work section below
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Procedural Graph Generation, 1

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Procedural Graph Generation, 2


A Short Demo

Future Work
Implement the unfinished features.
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Future Work

Team Roles (Not Ranked by Contribution, everyone works the best for the team)
     - Chongyang(Me): Developer, Designer, and Researcher

     - Titus: Designer, Researcher, Learning Specialist

My Major Contributions
     - Raised the very first, original project idea.

     - Code and build everything in Unity.

     - Contributed creative design ideas.

     - Researched on related theories and existing products.

     - Coordinated collaboration and communication.

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