Overwatch Top 200 NA
2019, Associated with: Overwatch
I reached Overwatch North America Top 200.

Season highest 192.

- Overwatch is a competitive, and, a socialization game, here I met friendship and my first girl friend. I climbed to high rank thanks to not only my gaming skills but also strong communication and collaboration skills.

- This record helped me to receive the ticket to the UW-Madison ESport Club, where I joined Overwatch Team 1 as the 1st DPS role. Later, we won the Top 50 Competitor Reward in the Tespa League

- In my early gameplay, I wasn't really good at aiming, which caused me losing a few matches. This inspired one of my later Gaze-Tracking research ideas - how the pro players aim.

- In the creative Workshop (where the community can build fun game modes/maps using the given tool, kinda like a code-free editor), I met more people like me, who enjoys not just playing games but building games as well. Then I invited them to our game dev community

- Well, besides all the precious memories, I was not gonna cover that the Overwatch player community was also known as one of the most toxic ones, but this indeed incited my reflections on general emotion/information exposure/trust issues in HCI and human-human communication in virtual space, and this was also the first time I realized some long-existing race/society/identity/equalty issues in the U.S., since in the past, I treated myself more as a foreigner, an outsider, but not one of the people who was living on this land. This propelled my later works such as technologies that protects the under-presented groups and using the language that general public could understand and loved, game, as a tool to contribute social good (projects like "flooded", VR game design for correcting public misconceptions).