Workshop: Learn Unity in Unity Engine
Exploring a more engaging learning material for teaching game engine.
2022, Associated with Columbia TC Game Research Lab
Learning to use a game engine like Unity can be tricky, especially when using traditional methods like text guides, videos, or presentations. A common issue with these methods is that they often require you to juggle between multiple windows. You find yourself constantly switching back and forth between the tutorial and Unity, trying to replicate the steps. This can be frustrating as you can't immediately apply what you see in the instructions.

The issue is particularly frustrating for beginner-level learners. To establish a robust understanding of each basic element in the engine, such as GameObject, Component, Inspector, Material, etc., they often need longer expected time to, for eg. tweak a few parameters, remove and then add a new component and watch the change, which prohibit them to quickly learn a new feature, therefore, deploy a game idea.

Target Audience
Game fans, GRL participants, or students come from interdisciplinary fields, but the majority didn't have a strong background of Unity Engine.

This workshop aimed to apply learning theories like Constructivism, Case-based Learning to create a fun, interactive, highly received learning experience for participants with a weak game engine (Unity) background. Introduce a presumable new way to learn game engines, and teach the basics of Unity Engine features via the interactable playthrough of built tutorial in Unity.

   - Brief introduction of workshop's agenda.
   - Basic information about Unity Engine.
   - Deliver the learning material (the in-Unity tutorial project files) to everyone.
   - Learn Unity Engine along with the material about its basic features (GameObject and Component).
   - Multiple activities and discussion sections.
   - A vote for choosing one out of three mini-game project practices.
   - The hand-on project practice.

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Workshop Snapshot, 1

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Workshop Snapshot, 2

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Workshop Snapshot, 3

The workshop was very well-received, endorsed highly by the community.

And very unfortunately, the workshop recording link is broken, since it had been recorded by the Game Research Lab Zoom, which didn't store recordings for a long time, but if you are interested in more insights, feel free to contact me or prof. Joey Lee.

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