Transformative Learning - VR Serious Game
A VR role-play serious game design project aims to combat public's misconception on climate change.
2023, Associated with: prof. Joey Lee
Public misconceptions and skepticism regarding the severity and causes of climate change, which hinders effective measures to mitigate its impact. The project aims to increase empathy and understanding towards the impact of climate change on different communities and ecosystems and provide concrete and feasible solutions. The proposed solution is a virtual reality (VR) story-based first-person role-play game that aims to correct misconceptions, provide accurate scientific information, and motivate individuals to take action against climate change. The game will simulate a future world where climate change has caused significant problems, and players will assume the roles of characters with everyday jobs affected by its consequences. The proposed game differentiates itself from other VR projects by focusing on addressing misconceptions and using persuasive storytelling techniques to motivate the target audience to take action on climate change.

Project Overview
Expected Outcome
  - The design can lead a future development project, carrying out the ideas with a solid software body.

  - Without being harsh or didactic, create an experience that is both fun and thoughtful, truly touching the target audience both rationally and emotionally.

  - Realize the transformative learning, help the public to correct misconceptions and motivate them to take actions on climate change.

  - Generally speaking, contribute to social good.

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Analysis on User Story and Design Decision

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